Convert Decimals to Fractions & Round Numbers Easily
As a Fraction
Our Fraction Calculator makes it very easy to turn decimal numbers into fractions. Whether you are working with simple decimals or more tricky ones, this tool gives you the correct fraction. It helps you solve your math problems quickly and accurately.
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Fraction CalculatorRounded Number Calculators
Need to round off numbers? Our Rounded Calculators let you round any number to the nearest whole number, tenth, hundredth, or thousandth. These tools are perfect for your school math problems, giving you fast and accurate results, whether you need an estimate or an exact answer.
Round to Nearest Whole Number
Our "Round to Nearest Whole Number" calculator helps you quickly round any decimal number to the nearest whole number. If the decimal part is 0.5 or more, it rounds up, and if it's less than 0.5, it rounds down. This tool is very useful for making numbers easier to work with in your math problems, giving you quick and correct answers.
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Round to Nearest Whole Number CalculatorRound to Nearest Tenth
Our "Round to Nearest Tenth" calculator rounds any number to one decimal place, which is called the tenth place. If the number in the hundredth place is 5 or more, the tenth place goes up by 1. If it's less than 5, the number in the tenth place stays the same. This tool is great for quick and easy rounding in your math homework, especially when working with measurements or numbers that need to be simplified.
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Round to Nearest Tenth CalculatorRound to Nearest Hundredth
Our "Round to Nearest Hundredth" calculator helps you round any number to two decimal places, which is called the hundredth place. If the number in the thousandth place is 5 or more, the hundredth place goes up by 1. If it's less than 5, the number stays the same. This tool is helpful when you need accurate answers for money, measurements, or math problems in your studies.
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Round To Nearest Hundredth CalculatorRound to Nearest Thousandth
Our "Round to Nearest Thousandth" calculator helps you round any number to three decimal places, which is called the thousandth place. If the number in the ten-thousandth place is 5 or more, the thousandth place goes up by 1. If it's less than 5, the number in the thousandth place stays the same. This tool is very useful for getting accurate answers in math problems, especially when working with very small measurements or detailed calculations.
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Round to Nearest Thousandth CalculatorConclusion
Whether you're converting decimals to fractions or rounding numbers to the nearest whole, tenth, hundredth, or thousandth, these calculators make math easier and faster. The As a Fraction Calculator helps you turn tricky decimals into simple fractions, while the rounding tools help simplify numbers by rounding them to the place you need. These tools are perfect for students who want quick and accurate answers for their math problems, making calculations less confusing and more manageable.